Backed by one of the largest parts inventory in the industry, Applied Medical Lasers offers preventive maintenance programs to extend the life of your laser.  Additionally, we provide laser service agreements and on call emergency repairs by industry leading certified engineers.  Our service personnel are formal manufacturer field service engineers with most obtaining over 10 years of experience servicing lasers only.  As a leading provider of service to laser manufacturers themselves, you can trust Applied Medical Lasers will understand your service needs.

Give us a call or fill the information request below.  Discuss your laser service needs with us first.


Problem: Candela MYAG with loud arcing sound
Resolution: High voltage power supply repaired

Problem: Cutera CV has no output
Resolution: Replaced handpiece and umbilical cord

Problem: OEM Sciton Profile no water flow fault
Resolution: Replaced water filter, PM

Problem:  Candela V-Beam low power
Resolution: Replaced dye kit, PM

Problem: Lumenis Lightsheer PM request
Resolution: Unit inspected